
Going in: I knew I was going to be satisfied with this movie. I'm a sucker for biopics and the heavier the material, the better. But they also don't really entertain me that much. I'm pretty much okay seeing it once but it also is a really good experience. So, projected 6/10.

Popcorn Score: 6/10. No surprises. It was a good film and I might see it again if there was nothing else on. I'll definitely rent it.

Art Score: 9/10. This is a solid movie and smartly done. It's well acted, well written, and appears wonderfully realistic.

Acting: 3/3. Josh Gad. Wow, can he act in a dramatic role. This makes me excited for MOTOE in a few weeks. Chadwick Boseman didn't surprise me, as I'm always impressed with his acting. Those were the two main characters.

Art Department: 3/3. When they first opened on different places, my first thought was "I can't believe that looks so real." The costumes, the buildings, everything. It was a real treat.

Music: 1/2. It didn't really thrill me, but it wasn't distracting either.

Editing: 2/3. Nothing that really wowed me or turned me off.

Story: 4/4. I gotta say, this could have been ordinary. But it was not. I think the riskiest thing to do is that Josh Gad's character is really the protagonist even though the film is about Thurgood Marshall. That's hard to pull off. The structure of the film was not typical. Usually, I see a location change between each act. But, the location change happened in the middle of Act I and stayed that way. The act breaks were more on the character development and the structure wasn't build-up, good guys make progress, bad guys come in, climax. There were ups and downs all throughout the film. Very satisfying story. The theme was captured beautifully in this one line (something like this; I can't find it anywhere): My daddy used to tell me, "If a man calls you a n*****, I order you to take him down."

Directing: 3/3. A really good job and very well done.

Producing: 2/2. Smart choice and well done.


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