Wonder Woman

I've already seen this movie 3 or 4 times. I caught it on the plane yesterday this time and really enjoyed it again, so I figured I'd review it.

Entertainment Score: 9/10. I saw it twice in theaters and was ready to buy when it came out. This movie was a breath of fresh air compared to other DC movies that have come out lately. At least that was the original thought. This movie stands on its own, though. It's fun and honestly, the music is like a drug.

Art Score: 8/10. I know this was a superhero movie, but it was well done. Everything was constructed in a way that highlights some truly great talent.

Acting 3/3: this was some strong acting, especially from semi-newcomer Gal Gadot. I thoroughly enjoyed her portrayal of the character's naivete compared to her cynicism in the modern age. Chris Pine was a treat. It was nice, really nice, to see him in a heroic but not arrogant role. And this was my first time seeing Robin Wright  in a while.

Cinematography 3/3: There were some amazing shots in this film. The striking color of Paradise Island versus the dreariness of London versus the drab of war. The CGI supported the film well and didn't overtake it either. Perhaps the fight scene in the village was a bit much, but it was still entertaining.

Music 2/2: I have a confession. I am not a Wonder Woman fan. Never have been. But her introduction in BvS with that electric cello theme? That made me sit up and take notice. It was the music that drew me to the movie.

Editing 2/3. Not much to say about the editing. It was pretty straightforward.

Writing 3/4. The structure is fairly solid. The theme was a little hard to grasp at first, but oddly prevalent. The plot devices were well done and, when you think about it, the villain brought about the whole plot. Characters were well liked and enjoyable.

Directing: 3/3. Acting, cinematography, and music are well put together.

Producing: 2/2. This has been a difficult project to put together. Several attempts have failed. But this one is really well done.


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