Thor: Ragnorak

Going in: I'm expecting it to be fun but without any weight. High popcorn value, not much artistic value.

Popcorn Score: 9/10. I'll see it again, probably twice. I probably will end up buying although not right away. The movie was just plain fun.

Artistic Score: 5/10

Acting: 3/3. Looked like everyone had a lot of fun. As usual, Tom Hiddleston stole the show. I just cannot imagine a better Loki. All the actors were good, even the CGI ones. Cate Blanchett is pure evil. I think even Anthony Hopkins got to play up things a little bit (first few minutes of the film).

Art Department: 1/3. There wasn't a lot that was new and some of the green screen work was just bad, as in obvious bad. Costumes were interesting, but not memorable.

Music: 0/3. I don't know why, but we're going back to pop-80s feel for the music. It's annoying. Heavy synthesizers. Absolutely nothing new. I mean, I didn't like it in Blade Runner 2049 but it was okay because it was part of the culture. But it makes no sense in this film or The Foreigner.

Editing: 1/2: Nothing really stood out, nothing was distracting.

Writing: 2/4. No strong theme. I thought at first the dialog was great but then found out that Hemsworth ad-libbed a lot. Solid structure, but over half the movie was driven by coincidence.

Directing: 2/3. Decent job. It's hard to put together a movie that works like this. But, from an artistic view, there's nothing that wowed me.

Producer: 1/2. Even though this story didn't have to be told, it was still worth telling. I just wish it had been done a bit better.


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