Jumanji: The Next Level

3 Reasons to See It: 1) It'll make you laugh. 2) It might make you cry. 3) Watching the actors was truly a treat most of the time.

3 Reasons to Not See It: 1) It's a sequel and they're trying to outdo what they did without success (something admittedly that is almost impossible). 2) Some of the CGI is glaringly obvious. 3) Some of the acting wasn't all that great.

Popcorn: 8/10. This movie was pretty funny. I won't say they outdid themselves, but there was a lot of belly laughs and not as many tired jokes - maybe a few. Quite a few times where the tears came out.

Art: 7/10. Good acting and good fun, but exactly what you would call a masterful piece of art.

Acting: 5/6. The more I watch Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart together, the more I'm impressed. I also really enjoyed Awkwafina. I'm surprised that they didn't use Nick Jonas with more versatility. Jack Black didn't disappoint. Karen Gillan was the only one who couldn't pull off a switch in character. Fortunately, we didn't have to watch that too long. She's good, but I think there was something she didn't pull off well.

Music: 3/4. The music was pretty good and built in certain places. Some themes were re-used, but not many. Other than that, nothing spectacular.

Filming: 3/4. A lot of the beauty came in the CGI and not so much in the natural photography although I saw they played with some softness in certain shots so it was done with skill. Some of the CGI was obvious but honestly, that's part of the appeal of a campy movie.

Art Dept: 3/4. I didn't see a lot of brilliant innovation here. That's not to say it wasn't there, but this is a movie that is a stock reuse of certain characters and therefore, reuses the stock costuming.

Editing: 3/4. Didn't see anything that stood out. Didn't hear it either. The one thing that was characteristic was the boom! boom! boom! of the Jumanji drums. The entire audience had chills. Gleefully I might add.

Story: 6/8. This was a pretty emotional story, but I feel they started on one theme and then went on a different theme. Like Theme A was the hook - and a believable one that could have explored something. But then Theme B took over and we didn't hear about Theme A again.

Directing: 5/6. I enjoyed it and I don't think was meant to be an artful classic. But there's a lot of fun to be had here.

Production: 3/4. The movie was worth seeing and it mostly didn't disappoint. Comparing how other sequels have done, this isn't bad.


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