Bad Boys for Life

3 Reasons to See It: 1) If you're a Will Smith fan, this is for you. 2) Or a Bad Boys enthusiast. 3) The second half of the movie was really well done.

3 Reasons to Not See It: 1) The first part of the movie. Oh man, the first part was so painful. That should almost be all three points. 2) Pretty bland acting. Only one or two actors stood out. 3) Poor vision for the first half.

Popcorn: 7/10. I liked the second half; it had some interesting cinema. That part was an 8. I hated the first half because it was predictable and just boring. That part was a 5. It's kind of like Battleship in that aspect. But in this one, I have no idea at what point I started enjoying it. If you see a movie a week, see it. Any less than that, you'd probably enjoy it more at home.

Art: 6.6/10. Good filming and direction the second half. Pretty poor story and acting in the first half.

Acting: 5/8. It's Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. There's also a few side characters I enjoyed watching - Jacob Scipio in particular. However, the strength of the acting wasn't enough to keep me in the movie during the first half.

Music: 4/6. The music is what you would expect. A lot of hip-hop, orchestra - not much else.

Filming: 5/6. Towards the end, there were some things they did with the camera that was pretty cool. I also picked up some drone shots that were also night shots. They either used filters or learned how to shoot it really well because it wasn't grainy at all. The first half was pretty standard fare.

Art Dept: 3/4. Pretty normal stuff. Nothing really stood out but nothing took me out of the movie either.

Editing/Mixing: 3/4. Pretty well done. Nothing that stood out but nothing that made me barf - well, one shot was weird but it didn't linger too long.

Story: 6/10. Again, the story in the first half wasn't all that great. The second half really started taking off. I will say that there were payoffs in the second that made the first part necessary, but it was a pretty long haul.

Directing: 5/8. For the parts that I liked, it was really good. Some of the setup was obviously thought through. But the first part just meandered.

Production: 2/4. It's okay. I think if they would have focused on the themes in the second half and highlighted a particular character in a different light, it would have been much better.


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