The Gentlemen

3 Reasons to See It: 1) Amazing story - clever and witty. The storytelling was some of the best I've seen. 2) The acting and comedy are pretty well done. 3) It's just a fun movie.

3 Reasons to Not See It: 1) This is irreverent. There are a lot of racial and sexual slurs. 2) It's a gang movie, so it's pretty violent. 3) There's a lot of British-style humor (near dark) so if that's not your thing, I would recommend avoiding it.

Popcorn: 8/10. This movie was a lot of fun. Severely irreverent but fun nonetheless. I somewhat lost track of where we were in the movie because it was that engaging. I'm not sure I would share it with the family. I wouldn't mind it, but I'm not sure it would be the first movie I'd want them to see (although they'd probably enjoy it).

Art: 9.6/10. Summarize the good points. Then the bad.

Acting: 7/8. The undoubted star of this film is Hugh Grant. He's delightfully greasy. Props to Charlie Hunnam and Matthew McConaughey. Everyone did a pretty fantastic job actually, but the easiest to spot were Grant and Hunnam.

Music: 4/6. I have no memory of the music at all which is kind of surprising. Normally, I have at least an emotional memory but - nothing. That said, I don't remember it being bad; I just don't remember it.

Filming: 4/6. Filming was pretty standard fare. I don't remember any fabulous shots, but I don't remember anything necessarily bad either.

Art Dept: 4/4. Costumes were perfect as was set design. Nothing felt out of place and some of the character's costume choices you figure are there as standard costumes, but it turns out they had a purpose.

Editing/Mixing: 3/4. Nothing bad; nothing spectacular.

Story: 10/10. The story was amazing. Even the framing was cleverly done. Not much coincidence, clearly defined hero, and so entertaining. I realize there isn't much to put here but this movie does so well because of the story. It's witty and clever.

Directing: 7/8. Consistent tone, well directed. Just about everything clicked at one level or another.

Production: 4/4. The premise was promising and the trailer did not mislead. Even though it wasn't a big action movie, it still had a big screen feel to it.


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