Birds of Prey

3 Reasons to See It: 1) it's fun. 2) Some of the storytelling was really unique. 3) Margot Robbie and Ewen McGregor are worth the watch.

3 Reasons to Not See It: 1) The filmography was pretty bad. 2) Some of Harley Quinn's character development was a little overdone. Although I can't really tell if that was intentional or not. 3) It drags quite a bit in between the midpoint of the movie and the end of the movie.

Popcorn: 8/10. I actually kind of liked this movie. It was a lot of fun and had some interesting themes. Overall it was pretty good. The only thing I would say is that I don't think it's for everybody. There are only two or three people in my family that I think would really enjoy it.

Art: 7.6/10. The story, acting, and music were the winning points here. The most detracting factors were the filmography.

Acting: 6/8. Margot Robbie and Ewan McGregor were easily the most entertaining. I'm not sure I liked the Amy Winehouse interpretation of Huntress. It could have been interesting, but I don't think it was well-executed.

Music: 5/6.  The music was definitely one of the cool parts of the movie. I enjoyed the soundtrack. They had a thematic movement throughout most of the music. It didn't really build emotionally, but I think overall it did a really good job.

Filming: 3/6.  There was a lot of graininess in different shots. After a while, it got really distracting. And it wasn't just the night shots. Even some of the shots during the daytime and still had that graininess.

Art Dept: 4/4.  The costuming, hair, and makeup we're really well done. It added to the characters. I didn't feel it detracted from anything. The set design was also really good - in particular Harley's apartment as a study in her character.

Editing/Mixing: 3/4.  I would say that the editing was kind of standard fare. There was nothing that stood out but it wasn't boring either. Some of the mixing towards the end was pretty interesting. And the sound mixing was pretty well done. But again, not really anything that stood out.

Story: 8/10. Probably the most interesting part of the storytelling was that the first half of the movie used an interesting story device. It added to the feel of who the main character was. The last half of the movie lost some of that and I felt that it lost some of the interestingness. Sometimes, something would happen within the movie, and then Harley's mind would go in a very non-sequitor direction via a flashback. This was new and I think very well done.

Directing: 6/8.  Overall, I really like the movie. It had a very consistent feel to it. The story, acting, and music were the winning points here.

Production: 3/4. While I feel the movie overall delivered, I also feel that it wasn't a movie I was necessarily interested in. Originally, I was not going to see it. I'm glad I did. But neither the premise nor the trailer really grabbed me in first.


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