Blade Runner 2049

Going into it: 4/10
Sequels don't really impress me. The trailers didn't give much away, but I figured I wouldn't want to see it again and figured I wouldn't rent it.

Entertainment Value: 6/10
So, pretty much as expected. There were two things that changed. The first was both good and bad for the movie: the sound. In the theater, my ears were not doing well. A ton of bass. The music crowded out everything. I had a bad notion this was going to happen because I've been next to this movie twice and it was distracting both times more than once.

That said, I wouldn't mind trying it out on my home theater after some speaker upgrades. If they do some wonders with 5.1, I might buy it. But that's a big if. Regardless, I'm going to rent it once and see how it does.

The second was the acting. The visuals I had seen before in other sci-fi movies as early as The Fifth Element. But the acting - oh! That was really a treat. There some top performers of course, but some new ones I hadn't seen before.

Art Value: 6.5/10

Acting: 3/3
Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas, and Sylvia Hoeks. Those are the five performances that stood out for me. Yes, I said "five"!

The dialogue on this movie was really good. Part of what made that good is that it was minimal. When I remember scenes in this movie, I remember how they acted not what they said. I haven't seen the former two before, but Sylvia's scary (as was intended) and Ana was sweet.

Jared Leto was interesting, but they didn't give him much time.

Ryan Gosling just stood there, his face doing most of the talking. Harrison Ford is just Harrison Ford. And Robin Wright was unexpected. She played a tough cop with just a hint of a soft side.

Cinematography: 2/3
The visuals were primarily CGI. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as novel as its predecessor. They may have tried to avoid that intentionally. Can't say I blame them if that's true, but it is what it is.

The scenes in Las Vegas were amazing. It was a tonal shift along with an obvious color shift. Mostly red, which was an interesting choice. The interior looked like it was more practical which I felt right for that stage of the movie.

Towards the end of the movie, I noticed a lot of unnecessary aerial acrobatics. And there had been a lot. They were cool, but reason took over. Why would he do that? It made no sense.

Editing: 2/3
Like I said, sound. However, there weren't any obvious, glaring errors other than that. So I think it was well done. And they committed one of the three cardinal sins (narrating, reading, and a black screen): reading. And I watched. There was nothing that I read that couldn't have been explained by the movie as it was.

Writer: 3/4
So far, it's average for me to check my watch at least twice in the movie. This was no exception. I will say that it's 2:45, which means it's a long movie. But it doesn't feel long. The structure was there as well some obvious tension, some of which I thought wasn't necessary. I mean, in most movies, you know the protagonist is going to make it to the end. So what's the danger really? Now, if they had put Ford in up front and killed him off, I would have been much more on edge.

And again, the dialogue. It was just spot on. The twists were pretty obvious. I groaned a bit at that, but it didn't detract too much from the movie. Also, how many ways can K die? I know he's a replicant, but come on. This was a big detractor for me.

The theme is hard to nail down. There are some obvious minor themes that could be rolled up in humans treatment of the world. But based on repeated dialogue, it was more about what's real. But they didn't dive into that much. So, a little lost for a meaning within this movie.

Director: 3/5
Overall, a good job. I would expect there was a lot riding on this and it did fairly well. But all I can say is that I didn't hate it. There wasn't anything to really love about the movie (aside from the aforementioned acting).

Producer: 1/2
I can't say it shouldn't have been a movie, but the theme was lost on me.


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