The Foreigner

Expectations going in: 7/10. I thought it would be fun and maybe a little serious. I heard it was more a Brosnan film and not a Chan film. I also heard it explored violence in a new way.

Full disclosure, I did listen to a podcast about it.

Entertainment Score: 8/10. I debated whether I would see it again but landed on "No" just because it's been out for a while and I have other movies on the docket. But I'm thinking about purchasing it.

Art Score: 7/10. The writing was strong in some areas and showed potential as they started to explore the theme of violence in an interesting way. The acting was amazing.

Acting: 3/3. Um, yes please! I really enjoyed Chan in a way I haven't seen him before. Brosnan was really good too. He's pretty far from Remington Steele.

DP: 2/3. Nothing too amazing. There were some beautiful shots of London. I don't think I saw any CGI. Not quite a 3, but a strong 2.

Editing: 2/3. A flashback scene was really weird and jittery. Other than that, it was okay.

Writing: 3/4. Fairly well structured. I actually didn't like the main character at first. His actions didn't make sense. He chased down a guy and wouldn't let up, even though the guy clearly didn't know anything. And the leap that he came to at the end didn't make sense either. He was right, but he didn't make a logical leap; I didn't see any chain of thought or events. So the plot devices were a little, not convenient, but non-sequitor. Strong theme on violence though. And also Liam rolled over at the end. They just didn't sell it. In the end, there's a lot of good but a lot of confusion too. But a lot of potential.

Directing: 2/3. I would say good on the actors, not so good on keeping track of the story.

Producer: 1/2. Good choice and done in an interesting way.

Music: 0/2. There was this distracting keyboard music. It honestly sounded like a Blade Runner knock-off.


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