Avengers: Infinity War

Going in: No spoilers. Didn't see anything other than the trailers. I expected it was going to be good and standard fare for the most part.

Popcorn: 9/10. This is one of the times when the rubric surprised me. I saw it a total of three times and I know I'll probably buy it as soon as it comes out. But it doesn't feel like a 9/10. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie. But I've seen it before.

Art: 8/10. This is actually a good score for a superhero movie. It was good and well put together, even if we've seen the whole "defeat the big bad". Although, the parts that overcame that were the successful interweaving between characters, the Thanos perspective, and the Thanos motivation.

Acting: 2/3. There wasn't a standout actor here. Maybe all of them? There wasn't a lot of emoting. With so many characters, there just wasn't time. Although, there was enough time to get you invested.

Music: 1/2. It was okay. The weird thing, and this almost pulled me out of the movie, was using the Avenger's theme for Cap. It didn't make sense.

Filming: 1/2. It was average. There wasn't any time for standout shots.

Art Dept: 2/2. I'm giving a shout-out to the CGI because the mocap on Josh Brolin was freakishly amazing. It was very well done.

Editing: 1/2. The editing was about what you'd expect.

Story: 3/4. This was a slog to write, I'm sure. There are so many characters. But for all that, the story stayed alive. What was really interesting was that Thanos was the one with the perspective. And while there wasn't any standout moments, it was remarkably well held together. I also have to give kudos to a plot driven by characters. Very little coincidence happened in the story. And I also love the way they broke Thor and Gamora's story. Very stand out characters and performers. Also, the villain was doing something out of a greater call. He's trying to save the universe.

Directing: 2/3. It was a good movie, I won't deny it. But it was a little generic but not generic. I can't really describe it. We've seen the plot before but the standout was that there were so many characters and they didn't trip over each other and dilute the story.

Production: 2/2. It was a story worth telling and it had to be on the big screen because of the whole third act. It was good.


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