Equalizer 2

Going in: I thought it would be standard action fare. I haven't seen the first one (although I tried to get it in last minute; just wasn't available). I thought it would be enjoyable, but light.

Popcorn: 9/10. I'd see this movie a few times. I'll rent it for sure and I'm thinking about buying but I'm not quite sure yet. It was a really good movie, almost amazing. Actually, I'll take that back. I'll give the film the benefit of the doubt and call it amazing.

Art: 8.5/10. A pretty decent film. A lot going for it in terms of story and acting.

Acting: 3/3. There was a lot of subtly from all the actors, mostly from everyone except Denzel Washington. I don't hold that against him, his character requires it. No one pulled me out of the movie and it was just enjoyable to watch everyone act.

Music: 1/2. Nothing here to think too much about. It didn't pull me out but it didn't really evoke anything either.

Filming: 1/2. Honestly, I was so engaged with the story that I didn't even think about it. It wasn't bad but I didn't notice anything super outstanding either.

Art Dept: 1/2. Production design, costuming, etc. were all well done. There were a couple of CGI shots that weren't lit correctly and you could tell. Too dark in the background.

Editing: 1/2. Same as the music. I didn't see anything that really jumped out at me but I wasn't thrown off like I was in Hotel Artemis.

Story: 4/4. Okay, here's where the film really got me. There's a subtle theme weaved throughout the movie and it's highlighted by a repeating line. It's about right and wrong, being black and white. It took me a while to see it, but it was there. There were all sorts of subplots: some that related to the A plot, some that showed character. It's interesting because this character doesn't have an arc, but everyone around him does. Alright, the real gem here is the pacing. This movie is really mellow and slow but you feel it. And like it. They really took their time and when it finally came down to the action piece, it was one big action scene. It's weird because that sort of thing bothers me but this was okay. There was a little coincidence but it made a little sense towards the end. It didn't totally explain it away, but I was satisfied.

Directing: 2/3. I waffled between a "2" and  "3" but I'm more in love with the story than I am with the filming. It was good, I just don't think it quite rises to a "3" level.

Production: 2/2. Worth watching and they had the right team. It's like Mission Impossible in that it feels like a TV show but on the big screen. Seeing as how it's adapted from the show, that makes sense.


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